We know every fall in love then as if made blind and amazed with the person he likes but do not let us be willing to be injured without ever feel and realize this heart actually requires a happy step not kept constantly stagnant in the wound. Realize the best place to hope is God who always knows what is best for every servant,
Loving is undeniably always pinning a variety of hope to the heart that he try so that later can bersanding have. Love that has been cultivated has no purpose other than one day can have each other and can be happy each heart. But from all the wishes and wishes we had planned we must know that not all hope can be a real story into a temple of happiness. There are times when we have to meet a phase where after tired of struggling and choose to drop the heart to him instead of feeling this is not what he considers as anyone. Yes, what love is trying to be like never a big part in every step of his time. And from here we must realize the struggle is a sure step but never sowing believe too want to surely we can be next time have. What we have been trying to true is only limited to the proof of the seriousness of this love is also willing to accept it is not a certainty later that he will become a companion of this heart. Indeed what we feel as a wound today with all hope that seemed to betrayed no more than the result of our own love that too menyemaikan excessive hope in his love. There is nothing wrong to try the taste that we want to make as the last port of happiness coupled but do not forget also God who will know better which one we deserve as a love. Who is also willing to accept us with all the lack and establish a story of maturity. There is nothing wrong to try the taste that we want to make as the last port of happiness coupled but do not forget also God who will know better which one we deserve as a love. Who is also willing to accept us with all the lack and establish a story of maturity. There is nothing wrong to try the taste that we want to make as the last port of happiness coupled but do not forget also God who will know better which one we deserve as a love. Who is also willing to accept us with all the lack and establish a story of maturity.
The True Injury We Now Feel No More Than More Expectations Of An Incorrect Love Also Adore Us

It is sick when the hopes that have been hanged have to disappear and disappear into memories just like that. The page of the story that we are always going to the next story in fact must no longer make this love and it feels to be the main character. Yes, the tired heart of this fight is nothing more than a stopover when the real love goes away from her heart. At a glance we feel that all the hurt now is due to the departure and betrayal of love from him who never mengahrgai all the presence of our business. But actually it is not just stop at that point alone. We must realize that our wishes and wishes are too high and make it a certainty but God wills to stop his story in the middle of the road.
Because At Last What Never Has This Heart Served As A Full Future Please Must End Being Unsecured

We must be aware sometimes at every step we fight not always meet the happiness we want. Sometimes we even have to be strong and willing to accept the fact that it is not this love that becomes the choice and the end of the search. Pain and hurt is sure but we can not close our eyes to deny. Indeed what happens is indeed a risk and the consequences of fighting for love . Reciprocated loved and aligned have or even otherwise made hurt and feel bitter hurt. No one wants to feel it but it must be a certainty between the two. We can never force a heart to live in love whereas he never presents the same sincerity to receive and belong to one another.
The real injury is only the accumulation of hope and want us to love and later feel the same revenge from the heart which has been our reason for trying. But when fate is decisive is not we who become the joy of any way we also must be prepared to accept. We know every fall in love then as if made blind and amazed with the person he likes but do not let us be willing to be injured without ever feel and realize this heart actually requires a happy step not kept constantly stagnant in the wound. Realize the best place to hope is God who always knows what is best for every servant, not the human heart that can easily change and turn the taste away.