A situation will not be the same, there will be things that will change with time change.
A role model can not continue to be the same, there will be things that must change to follow the course of time and make it as the past.
# We Have Passed Time

Gather together, share stories and stories, filled with laughter and jokes, we've all been there then, through it and recorded as the past. Of course all events will be memories, but if you want to repeat it would not be the same. Our time has passed, simply remembering not having to force myself to return.
# All Is Different, No Longer Like Used

Indeed we all have a different dream, chasing it will make us go their own way. Different goals will lead us to different places, and then disappear behind each other's personal lives, a sign that everything has changed with time.
# New Environment And New People

Basically the past will not disappear, especially if the time is precious, the period will continue to imagine the longing that came to collect to be fulfilled, but we should not be lulled by the longing and then collapsed. There are many new people who offer the same titles as the titles of the past, and finally we start a new era, the same status but different people, perhaps called "New Companions".
# Thank You For Completing the Story

The journey of life is increasingly long and tiring, has gone through many things, thousands of experiences have been taken, many knowledge that has been owned, met with fellow beings of human status Adam and Eve, then strengthen the relationship with the chain of friends, then time comes demanded to continue to live until the time passed. But we are able to spend a long time, before other times appear, in which a story has been created that has been recorded in the journey of our lives each.
# The word "Hi, how are you?" I really appreciate it

Every now and then finally miss the past that reigns on the soul that gathered the grind of slowly melt though only partially. A short message with a funny sticker sent from people in the past, yes old friend finally greeted amid the hustle and bustle busy. Thank you for taking the time to say hello and exchange news, hopefully time can make us a real touch.